The recommended antidote?? Good healthy doses of the DVD series “planet earth.” These are the images that need embedding. These are the glowingly beautiful cycles of ecology that should guide our own behaviors.
“planet earth” was produced in 2006 as a project shared by the BBC and Discovery Channel. The eleven episodes reveal eleven major habitats around the globe as they have not previously been photographed. Over the years of production, 71 camera men and women worked in 204 locations and 62 countries on all seven continents. (1) One wonders, when watching certain scenes, how the photographers themselves managed to stay alive in the elements. One wonders, also, how nature can be so spellbinding.
“planet earth” is mesmerizing. It is easily scheduled into nightly episodes or a pre-determined Night with Mother Earth each week. We need to be sharing the series with students of all ages at school. I have seen awe in the eyes of fourth graders, high school juniors and graduated university students as the natural dramas unfold.
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