Try Some Video Animations
Say it a different way. Say it with animation. Not cartoons, per se, but a format of creative seriousness. The issues we need to face can be presented in such dire ways. Maybe we need less talking heads and simpler images...
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Alec Loorz is the 15-year-old originator and leader of KIDS VS GLOBAL WARMING out of California. He's been at this since age 12; produced this video at age 15; is Al Gore's youngest Climate Change Trainer. Alec's short slide show iMatter is the most succinct visual around. Wander his site to see what youth are really doing across the country!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~, led by Bill McKibben, is the most successful global organization to develop grass roots support for climate action. Check out two of their animated clips, devised to send their messages through the range of worldwide languages. Because The World Needs To Know explains the climate change issue in reference to the number 350: the maximum parts-per-million concentration of carbon in the atmosphere that will sustain life. In Every Corner of the World was produced last year to promote the global actions before the Copenhagen Conferences. This action was the largest such civilian movement ever.
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Talk about doing with less!! Annie Leonard has spent decades analyzing consumer products, their origins, use and disposal. She began with her famous The Story of Stuff to combine her own presentation with animated examples. Like an animated smart board!
Oil Pipeline Leaks in the United States
Population Connection - World Population Growth