Daytona Beach Daily Courier Dispatch Post Gazette
January 6, 2023
[Daytona Beach, FL] As gas mileage ratings for personal automobiles have climbed and consumers have slimmed down the size of their vehicles and the lengths of personal trips, public questions linger about the use of fossil fuels for recreational purposes. A national paradox still persists between the public’s increased fuel conservation efforts and continued motorsport vehicle fuel consumption.
Recent surveys reiterate the dramatic decade-long downturn in recreational use of fossil fuels. Critical climate change effects and the expense of gas has convinced Americans that the use of engines for pleasure is not only unnecessary, but unethical. (Regardless of the bio-fuel fiasco of 2015)

Unfortunately, this is not the scenario for motorsport racing events. Corporate recreation is hanging on. Even though Nascar and other major race organizations are installing solar panels and are recycling beer cans at the track, burning fossil fuels @ 5mpg for spectator gratification is ongoing.
Attendance at auto racing events has, however, dwindled in past years even as bicycle parking spaces have increased at track parking lots. Though “green facilities” greet race-goers, many fans are realizing that their love of this carbon-sport is counter productive to their grandchildren’s quality of life.
However, lacking voluntary reduction efforts within the industry, the following auto racing organizations have now been requested to down-size this year and close operations within 18 months, ordered by Secretary of the US Department of Carbon Dioxide, Chelsea Clinton.
These motorsport events include:
Auto Cross
Demolition Derbies
Stock car racing (NASCAR)
Dirt Track Racing
Drifting Events
Sports Car Racing
Midget Car Racing
Mini Sprints
Monster Truck Events
Pick-Up Truck Racing
Road Racing
Drag Racing
Motocross/ Dirt Bike Racing
Vale Ernshart, who drives the Flaring Exxon Car #13 and is former winner of the Ultimate Tar Sands Challenge, blames scrutiny of motorsports on radical millennial parents who have steered their children toward energy resiliency.
“The personal thrill of burning rubber and high-octane fuel should not be denied our youth’s quest for speed and daring competition,” commented Vale as he ran to catch an Indianapolis metro bus in front of the track. “It’s just one last strong remnant of true American spirit, that’s all…”
In related news, the Daytona International Speedway has submitted plans to the city to construct permanent flood walls around its track. At 19 feet above sea level and three miles from the Atlantic shoreline, investors have requested this barrier to insure racing at the track as sea level rises.